Prolog to Prostate Cancer Survival Journey

The journey started quite a few years ago.
When you reach a certain age, probably in your 40’s,
it’s advisable to start screening for prostate cancer.
I’d been doing this annually well into my 60’s; then started semi-annual check up.

At about age 68 my PSA started to rise. My urologist and I kept a close watch into my 70’s.
This is when the alarm started going off.
I’m the eternal optimist and always look at the positive side. “The PSA is only up X. not bad.”
When I should have been saying, “Hey, this might be something to be alarmed about.”
After a screening in 2013 it was suggested I get a prostate biopsy. Not a pleasant experience.

I spoke to a friend of mine and he asked his friend, a urologist, for his opinion.
These questions came back. “Is he riding a bike often” and “had he had sex before the PSA test”?
The answer was yes to both. Don’t have the biopsy, probably and elevated PSA due to these activities.
What a relief. No biopsy. What a mistake.

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