Uncle John

My Uncle John was a scrappy little guy.

He had scoliosis but his personality overcame any adversity he might experience.

He sold paper for Empire paper company – top salesman.

I am certain he would easily fit into the case at Dunder Miflin.

I was on the track team in high school and thought I was good; until the day he challenged me to a race – and won. What a pleasant surprise.

One of his best stories is the time he was stuck in traffic and a truck drive behind him started beeping his horn. Uncle John calmly got out of his car, approached the driver high on his perch and said, “We know your horn works, do you want me to check your light now!”.

He was the accountant for the family; doing all his relatives IRS tax returns. I can still see him sitting at the kitchen table working diligently to meet the April deadline.

Late in life he bought an upright piano and taught himself how to play. This was his retirement gift to himself. The piano sat in the dining room against the wall ready for his daily practice and playing. He actually became quite good over the years.

He is long gone, but often in my memories.

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